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Call for Participants: Composing More Pleasant Streetscapes with Sounds and Smells

Updated: Jul 11

As we continue exploring how reintroducing nature into cities impacts people’s perception and well-being, we now seek participants to take part in an experiment that will measure brain activity and physiological responses to various smells and sounds within a street setting. The goal of this ongoing project is to understand how streetscape vegetation can stimulate restorative nature experiences within our everyday environments.  


Please note that this is a follow-up experiment of the study ‘Designing for Experience Rather Than Appearance’. If you participated in the first experiment in March 2023 (see photo), you may not be eligible to take part in this second experiment. 


As this experiment involves measuring brain activity and physiological responses to stimuli, it is important that you read the eligibility criteria carefully before applying.  


Participants must:  

  • be aged between 18 and 40 years  

  • have self-reported normal hearing and sense of smell  

  • have normal or corrected-to-normal vision 


Participants must not: 

  • be pregnant  

  • be menstruating at the time of the experiments  

  • have a cold, sinusitis or similar conditions affecting breathing and sense of smell  

  • take recreational or prescription drugs, or medication that affects the function of your sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system (e.g. beta-blockers or any anticholinergic, parasympathomimetic, sympatholytic or sympathomimetic drugs) 

  • have a diagnosed psychological, physiological or neurological disorder that could alter physiological, psychological or neural function 

  • have a fixed hairstyle such as hair extensions or wigs. This is because we need to be able to move individual hair strands to correctly fit the fNIRS cap for non-invasive measurements of brain activity. If you have particularly thick hair and are not sure if this might be a problem, please let us know. 


Experiments will take approximately 70 min to complete and will run on 22-26th July. Each day, we can accommodate five participants who will each get assigned one of the following timeslots: 9:30 – 10:40, 10:55 – 12:05, 12:20 – 13:30, 14:15 – 15:25, 15:40 – 16:50. If selected for the study, you will receive £40 compensation for your participation and travel costs. Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. 


If you are interested in participating, please click here to read the information sheet and register your interest.

UPDATE: This experiment is now full. We thank you for your interest and hope you can participate in one of our upcoming experiments soon.

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